The Perils of Working on Old Buildings with Timber Floors

How to avoid a “Tom Hanks” moment!

You may have watched the classic eighties film “The Money Pit” with Tom Hanks and totally forgot at how much it tickles you when Tom Hanks’ character slowly disappears through the rotten timber floor! Remember? Now how many of you can relate?

money pit tom hanks caught in floor carpet hole review

When beginning a property development on any building there is always an element of the unknown. It is not until you start stripping out, that buildings start to reveal their secrets.

In this case timber floors can hide a multitude of sins. Having experienced this, we have found false ceilings from below, services in each board, no fireproofing and no sound-deadening. Even sophisticated techniques of interlocking floorboards via tongue and groove that warrants particular care of lifting (as deemed of historic value) in which specialist advice should be sought.

It would be advisable to seek professional surveyors if your project has timber and is circa 18th Century. Ground floor timber flooring was commonly laid straight onto earth, ash and even sand, so timber frames may have rotted due to years of damp. By seeking advice and having your flooring surveyed from the get-go of your project, may mitigate a whole lot of problems that come with old timber buildings. In the long term though by embracing the past and rebuilding the future, your property will bring you immense joy knowing you have brought history back to its former glory.

If you need help with your property why not give us a call for an informal chat, we would be happy to hear from you.

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